Great to see the prints you are making. They are really lovely indeed. So beautiful. I really like the picture that shows the print onto plastic- or is that part of the process?
Maybe that could be interesting a way of making them waterproofed?

I have also been doing some laser cutting, etching images onto perspex and other materials. 

Scale wise it is limiting. You can only do it to about AO max but I could see if it is possible to try to etch a photograph of one of your drawings onto it?

I think we need to wait on the space to decide if we will make a shelter or just a smaller scale sculpture that people can't go underneath. I think both could be interesting or perhaps the space will allow for us to do both?! I really like the idea of making all our work as collaborative as possible and feel we should rise to the challenge of making once we are in glasgow. I have booked the train and arrive Monday 9th in the afternoon and am staying until late on Saturday so it should be plenty of time. 

Looking forward to seeing your drawing. Shall we start sharing images from tomorrow? I thought maybe we could do it so we don't each draw everyday but I will draw one day and you the next. Hopefully the drawings will start to respond to each others as well as something we see that day here. 

I think this article is excellent. Great advice. I think others will agree.


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