I have had to down size my scale, as I could have made the work to the scale I wanted in other materials but perspex is too far out of my budget at that scale- nearly £400 (as once I scaled up I had to alter the thickness as well = a lot more expensive material.)I am really keen to keep using perspex as I don't think the work will be the same in another material like wood or steel. 

I am going to look at making a work that is two triangles at 1000mm by 700mm. Hopefully that will make it easier to transport etc. 

However I have been thinking about how we can tie in all the works together and use the space more. I really like the triangular pieces in your glass installation I mentioned in the previous post. I am hoping to create some super reflective aluminium triangles which can be placed around the space and will reflect your work and my work and also use the space more fully. 

I was thinking though- how did you create that effect before? Is there a way we could make components that could be placed at different heights as well as on the ground to use the space even more?


7/17/2012 11:30:37 am

Hello! Just want to say thank you for this interesting article! =) Peace, Joy.


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