Hi Jen

Thanks so much. I think the images work really well together. Your drawings remind me a bit of Thomas Saraceno’s work. Have you come across him? How did you create the last drawing? It is really beautiful.

I like the idea of collaborating on that part of your sculpture I can empathise with the idea of your work reflecting the sculptures surrounds. That is also my reason for choosing Perspex. I hope my work will reflect your work in it too.  

I would love to work together on part of your piece, creating the holes in order to let light in and I like the idea of combining structure and materials in a contrasting way.  The size sounds good too. Overall we should have quite a large installation.  What sort of shapes are you thinking to let the plants through? How do you think we should make them? Plasma cutting?

I have been experimenting further with the laser cutter. Thinking about how I could combine your drawings into my work. To be honest the laser cutter is so temperamental and I can’t go to the scale I would like so I am not sure. I really would love for you to have input on my piece, but not sure how we can go about it? Any ideas?

Have you heard back from the GSS? Do you reckon you might be able to help me carry my Perspex from stockline plastics to our site please? I don’t think it will be heavy but might be too big to fit into a car. I have also thought about if we both need lots of stuff transporting then we could get a van? After the show is it still ok for you to either take the perpex for your own use or just to leave it for the vans that collect the stuff from the side of the road.

Also do you think we should try to have a viewing of the work officially? Invite some people etc? I could make some invites/ fliers?


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